Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Great Run

Had a great run today and the "outlet" of running was much needed.  I left all the files at the office and headed for the ferry just after 5:00 in hopes of getting a nice run in along the waterfront.  It had rained most of the day but the clouds were clearing off and the sun was out.  Felt good, but still a bit tight from sitting in meetings most of the day, so a 3.5 - 4.0 mile run was sounding really good.  Got a bit over 4.0 miles in and then check my watch for pace and wow - I had a 7:48 avg mpm, pretty good for this desk jockey!

So a good finish to a pretty stressful day - as I've been running the last few days I'm praying for my kids, especially my two boys.  Specifically that I will learn to lead them in a Godly manner and love them like God loves me.  They are 20 and 18 so I am seeing a new facet of God - specifically His love for me through patience and waiting.  Just like me with my sons, I wait for opportunity to give them encouragement, insights, guidance and direction but if they aren't seeking that from me, they usually won't accept it when offered.  That is such a "real-life" picture of God's action in our life isn't it.  The bible says God stands at the door and knocks, if we open the door He will come in and reside with us.   In the book of Matthew Jesus paints this picture in saying to fathers "who among you would give your son a stone when he asks for bread...then how much more does our heavenly Father want to give us good gifts than our earhtly fathers."  Just like I am eager, willing and standing-by to interact with my sons, so is God waiting for us to ask of Him, and just as I delight in being with my sons and talking with them, so does God with each of us- wow, wow, wow!!  A great insight into my heavenly father through the gift of marriage and parenthood - really, I don't think I could have truly grasped this if God hadn't allowed me to be a father of my own children.  Doesn't this just scream of God's perfect plan for us - He creates opportunity and situations in each of our lives, that if we will stop long enough to really consider it, will further reveal His character.

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