Thursday, April 28, 2011


I'm on the recovery side of almost two weeks of fighting bronchitis - major bummer.  In the past when I've had a cold or something I've successfully run through it and believe that doing so actually accelerates the recovery with the enorphin release - call me Dr. Doug!  Well that didn't seem to work so well with bronchitis.  Was out of the office for 4-days last week and tried to run a couple of times, did ok and the run actually felt ok but when I got home, man did the coughing start and 2-hours later I was laid out flat.  So after getting 6.5 miles in last Saturday I've skipped my runs - feeling better from an illness stand-point but chomping at the bit to get back on the road.  To compound the issue, I have a Half Marathon scheduled with my son for May 7th and although my conditioning was pretty good before getting sick, not sure how this will go.  I'm planning on getting a couple of runs in over this weekend to see how those go and then will decide how to approach the race.  So, my mileage this week is zero but I am getting healthy and that is the important part.

Easter was great and being "down" the week prior gave me the opportunity to ponder the whole "passion week" set of events.  In doing so it gave me a renewed appreciation and understanding of what Jesus Christ did for me (and you).  I hope as we go forward through the rest of this year I can recall the passion He showed, and still shows today for each of us.  I was reading in Exodus (34:5-9) last night and specifically where God showed Moses his glory.  The passage states that as God passed by He was proclaiming "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love, and forgiving wickedness and sin."  Abounding in Love - what an awesome statement.  Yes, God is righteouse and just and requires justice to be served - and the verse continues on with that side BUT first He is compassionate, Gracious, Abounding in Love, and Forgiving - all shown and demonstrated at the cross of Christ.  Praise the Lord for his mercy and love -

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