Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family & Running

Had one of those days, you know - standing at the door thinking of all the ways I could justify NOT going for a run today...  Then finally suck-it-up and head out for a short run, at least.  Once I got going, heart rate up, a sweat broken, felt really good and just kept going.  Ended up at 8.4 miles and would have gone longer if I had the time.  That's what I love about running, once I get out on the road it usually ends up being a really good thing.  Yes, there are days that I'm excited and looking forward to the run and other days I know "I should run" but don't feel like it - there are no bad runs.

What made the run today especially great was my time in prayer during the run - some days I can spend the whole time talking to, and hearing from God - today was one of those days.  God is so very good and it is so awesome to know that He is intimately interested in me and what I need.  In short I had two significant take-ways from my prayer time on the run.  (1) When I'm tempted to take on troubles of others and/or the world around me, if it's important enough for me to pray and fast over then that is where God wants my energy, if not, then it is for someone else to pursue/support.  (2)   I find my acceptance and value only through God - He has gifted me to provide encouragement to others and I need to use that gift, even when the encouragement is not returned or even acknowledged.  People like to be pursued and encouragement doesn't have to be a two-way street.  In short - I need to use my gift and not be concerned or focused on the "return" but only to being obedient to God's directing and gifting. It is these times of communion with my God that make running so enjoyable.  The running puts me in a place of quiet and solitude.  If I can empty my head and not get distracted it is a place where I love to seek and hear the voice of God.

Tomorrow my daughter turns 14!  We will celebrate her and the joy she is and brings to our household.  What a blessing and gift she is to me.  Happy Birthday sweet girl.

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