Monday, September 6, 2010

1,000 miles logged!!

Wow, hard to believe that in 8-months I’ve now logged over 1000 training miles!! I’ve now registered for the Bellingham Half-Marathon so I thought I would get a long run in on Sunday afternoon. When I left the house I thought maybe 9-10 miles but as I got going I thought, I bet I can do 13 miles in under 2-hours. The only other time I’ve run 13-miles was back in February and I was over 2-hours so the weather was good and the afternoon schedule clear so I went for it. Completed 13.1 in 1:53, which is slightly over an 8:35 pace – for me that was pretty good. My goal for Bellingham in 3-weeks will be to finish under 1:45. I was a bit sore and tired that evening but woke up this morning feeling pretty good so I've got my goal for the race on 9/26/10

Jumping back to the 1,000 mile marker. I think to myself that if that had been a goal in January, it may have been overwhelming. Not because I couldn’t math it up and break it down into manageable pieces but that is a lot of miles at 5-8 miles per run. This ties back to my Hebrews 12:1-2 verse (I have it as a daily reminder on my “RoadId” bracelet) that we are to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus..” I’m reminded that when we fix our eyes on eternal things and approach each day with diligence and perseverance the bigger issues are accomplished and attained by being faithful in the smaller, daily, things. Large goals, or long-term plans, are reduced in size and don’t seem so overwhelming when my eyes are fixed on my Lord and Savior Jesus. I realize this is really simple, big deal, you ran 1,000 miles so far – I guess what I’m trying to say is that this is a great reminder to me to be diligent and obedient in what today holds -yes plan for the future but execute well the plan for today.

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