Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall in Seattle

What a great evening this was in Seattle – sunny, mid 60’s temp – a perfect evening for a run! Got a quick 4.5 miles tonight waiting for the ferry, I know I’ve said this before but what a perfect way to de-compress from a busy day. This is the first run in 10-days that kinda felt normal, which is great. Quickly fell into my stride and held an 8:20 pace, not fast but comfortable, got the heart rate up and just felt like I was “in the groove”!

As I ran I reflected on God’s faithfulness. This morning I had a 3-hr meeting that I was very anxious about, a mental marathon, and I was praying for clarity of both word and thought. Although the meeting was very tense and not easy by any stretch of the imagination, it did go well and God was faithful, giving me clarity and wisdom – even to the point of when to hold my tongue, thank you God for your faithfulness. I was further reminded of this in a debrief with a friend on a difficult meeting he had today as well, I had been praying for both him and the employee he was addressing and God positively directed their conversation as well. What a great assurance that God is not only interest in our Salvation (not only… poor choice in words as this is paramount and eternal) but also in our daily activity and work. In Jeremiah He promises that He “knows the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you” and I was also reminded that we are promised in the Holy Spirit that He will put the words into our mouths if we are seeking Him and asking for direction – we must be listening though, right? So a good end to a hard day but I am grateful to God for His grace and faithfulness.

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